United Way's Annual Meal Packing Event

Aug. 22
Crown Expo
11:00 am

Get ready for the upcoming annual Meal Packing Event! Last year, an impressive team of over 300 volunteers packed 70,000 meals in just two hours, surpassing our goal of 60,000 meals. All meals were donated to Fayetteville Urban Ministry and Catholic Charities.

This year, the United Way of Cumberland County aims to pack 70,000 meal packets, and we need your support once again! This event is open to all volunteers, but registration is required at https://www.unitedway-cc.org/2024-meal-packing-event.html.

While many of us are fortunate to know where our next meal is coming from, it's important to recognize that many in our community are not as lucky. On August 22nd, let's use our lunch hour to help those in need. Together, we can make a significant impact and provide much-needed assistance to our neighbors.

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